Can You Put Hot Pots on Granite?

Will Hot Pot Damage Granite?

Granite is a heat resistant material and your Hot Pot cooker won’t damage it.

Granite is an igneous rock that can handle the heat from a hot pot without melting or cracking.

It’s best to place a protective barrier in between – this way, if something happens and your granite gets too hot, you won’t have to worry!

The sealants will help prevent any damage done while cooking.

Make sure to have trivets and potholders nearby when you’re cooking to extend the life of your countertops.

Can a Hot Pot Crack Granite?

Granite is a kind of igneous rock made from the cooled, melted remains of magma under the Earth’s surface. This hot liquid can range from 1,300 degrees to 2,400 degrees and creates lava, granite, and other igneous rocks. The natural stone’s composition gives it its granite color; as you can see, this type of stone is made primarily from very intense heat!

So, no need to worry, your hot pot stove cannot crack granite that easily!

Hot Pot Cooker Temperature

Models meant for boiling and heating water usually have a lower max temperature setting – typically topping out at 212°F.

This temperature is not enough to cause any damage, so you can put your hot pot on granite without worries.

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